Computer SKills Gurus Are Made Everyday In Nigeria By Jed Adeyemi

Monday, June 29, 2009

Computer Skills Income: The Real Money-making Skills Continue

All I’m saying is to inspire you that you can acquire these skills and succeed by them, or concentrate on a few and as well succeed as much. These are My Skills (your skills) and now I discuss them in detail, how you can do them, how you charge, how you make your money. …

… Keep in touch

Computer Skills Income: The Real Money-making Skills

When I say ‘My Skills’, what do I mean? I mean the different kind of activities I do on the computer. I enjoy all of them, I love all of them. I have at least 10 of them. I have mentioned some of them, I mention them here again and discuss them in detail, you will see how I do them and how you can do them too or even improve on what I do. I am willing and ready to make you understand everything. I am not one of those who don’t want others to be as successful as they are, you can share in my success, succeed as much, or even better.

You just keep your mind open and be willing to learn, you are finding easiest way into wealth and more wealth.
My Skills include:
§ Computer Training
§ Typing School
§ Business Center
§ E-Library
§ Data Analysis
§ PowerPoint Design
§ Database Building and Management
§ Web Design/Hosting
§ Computer Software and Hardware
§ Others

Some of you now are getting scared. You are saying ‘how can I know all of these, how can I do all these, I don’t even know what he is talking about. Well, if you know only one, you can learn a second one, when you learn a second, learning the third is easier than when you learnt the second, and on and on. Of course I already told you, I did not know all when I started but in this business you have to be willing and ready to learn to remain competitive, business and life are generally like that…

…Another way is this, even if you can’t learn all, you can concentrate your effort and mastery on a few that you are comfortable with, and carve your niche there, you will make it as much, or even better depending on yourself, everything, I mean everything depends just on you. You can do and be whatever you want if you want to. Many of us are fond of underrating ourselves. Underrating yourself is not the way to success; it is a sure route to depression and failure. This is what you must avoid; I mean this is what I want you to avoid. If you do, you will do well. Some of the people who have succeeded most in life have shown that it is the matter of the mind to achieve success. If you have the mind of an achiever, you will achieve, if you don’t, you won’t.

Computer Skills Income: My Schooling Became Easy

Throughout my final year I received minimal support from home but I was able to cope well and make my good result because my skill and my computer proved to be the difference.

During my final year (mid 2006), I bought a printer with savings form some of the jobs I had done, I bought a laser printer. This proved to be another asset to my business even till today. You know sometimes people will bring jobs in diskette or flash drive to you to print for them, you just print for them and they pay you. It is almost an effortless job. The kind of printer I have (a laser) even makes it better since it is very cheap to maintain by virtue of the kind of toner it uses. So the business was getting better and better, sweeter and sweeter.

…I already told you that I was starting to learn PowerPoint. My first job on PowerPoint was an experiment. You know after we finished in college, I mean after we were through with our exams, research and defense and every other things, everybody went home, being finally free from the hassle and torment (so we thought) of the rigorous of college. But I stayed around, most of the time, just using my system trying to improve myself. This was from September 2006. We were awaiting NYSC Call-up. At this time one of my colleagues who had a very good research work was scheduled to present it in a conference. He came to me, ‘can you put my work into PowerPoint’. I had never done a PowerPoint job for anyone but I had been experimenting the package.

‘I will do it for you’ I told him. He said ‘okay’ so I took the job. The greatest challenge on the job was how to design the very first slide, I tried and tried, it wasn’t coming out well, tried and tried again and again, it was not coming well. At a point I was about to give up and take the job to my trainer to bail me out (PowerPoint wasn’t part of the course I did with him, and he would charge me for it), I decided to make another trial and wonderfully, it came out perfect, I found the secret, once the first slide was made, the other ones become very simple to do. This was how I started using PowerPoint and before long I was a master on it…

…This period we were awaiting NYSC Call-up, our immediate junior colleagues were now in final year. Some of them started writing proposals and sourcing literature for their work. I was still around, I refused to go back home, since I was raising some jobs and maintaining myself. I thought ‘how could I be of help to those our junior colleagues’ this gave me the idea of my E-library, to help them in their search for literature. Do you know I flaunted the idea to some of them, and wonderfully, it was attractive, so my E-library started.

I know by now some of you are wondering ‘what is the E-library? It must be very expensive or bogus to start’. Well, you are wrong, do you know it is one of the cheapest things I do, it is very cheap but very profitable, you are getting very interested, aren’t you? Yes, I know. You will learn how it is done in ‘My Skill’, you just read on. This is the most exciting programme you have ever seen and will ever see. So some of them came to me, and I always got very recent literature and articles for them complete with references…

…At this time my business was more of a social services because my charges were very low so as to be help to my clients (who were almost all students), and also create a reputation for myself i.e. carve a niche for myself in the business, and I was enjoying it and seeing the bright future that can (and will) come out of it. I found that this business is cheap to run, but very profitable if well-managed.

I was about to invest more into the business and get it more established when our Call-up (NYSC) letter come in February ending. Within a week, we were to report at the orientation camp. My sweet (and getting sweeter) business had to be closed. I found myself in Cross River, right in the center of the Calabar and there I am till today making money while having my pleasures. You too can do the same, and will do the same, you will find your life very enjoyable.

This is My Story, this is my song.

Computer Skills Money Making: My Schooling Became Easy

Throughout my final year I received minimal support from home but I was able to cope well and make my good result because my skill and my computer proved to be the difference.

During my final year (mid 2006), I bought a printer with savings form some of the jobs I had done, I bought a laser printer. This proved to be another asset to my business even till today. You know sometimes people will bring jobs in diskette or flash drive to you to print for them, you just print for them and they pay you. It is almost an effortless job. The kind of printer I have (a laser) even makes it better since it is very cheap to maintain by virtue of the kind of toner it uses. So the business was getting better and better, sweeter and sweeter.

…I already told you that I was starting to learn PowerPoint. My first job on PowerPoint was an experiment. You know after we finished in college, I mean after we were through with our exams, research and defense and every other things, everybody went home, being finally free from the hassle and torment (so we thought) of the rigorous of college. But I stayed around, most of the time, just using my system trying to improve myself. This was from September 2006. We were awaiting NYSC Call-up. At this time one of my colleagues who had a very good research work was scheduled to present it in a conference. He came to me, ‘can you put my work into PowerPoint’. I had never done a PowerPoint job for anyone but I had been experimenting the package.

‘I will do it for you’ I told him. He said ‘okay’ so I took the job. The greatest challenge on the job was how to design the very first slide, I tried and tried, it wasn’t coming out well, tried and tried again and again, it was not coming well. At a point I was about to give up and take the job to my trainer to bail me out (PowerPoint wasn’t part of the course I did with him, and he would charge me for it), I decided to make another trial and wonderfully, it came out perfect, I found the secret, once the first slide was made, the other ones become very simple to do. This was how I started using PowerPoint and before long I was a master on it…

…This period we were awaiting NYSC Call-up, our immediate junior colleagues were now in final year. Some of them started writing proposals and sourcing literature for their work. I was still around, I refused to go back home, since I was raising some jobs and maintaining myself. I thought ‘how could I be of help to those our junior colleagues’ this gave me the idea of my E-library, to help them in their search for literature. Do you know I flaunted the idea to some of them, and wonderfully, it was attractive, so my E-library started.

I know by now some of you are wondering ‘what is the E-library? It must be very expensive or bogus to start’. Well, you are wrong, do you know it is one of the cheapest things I do, it is very cheap but very profitable, you are getting very interested, aren’t you? Yes, I know. You will learn how it is done in ‘My Skill’, you just read on. This is the most exciting programme you have ever seen and will ever see. So some of them came to me, and I always got very recent literature and articles for them complete with references…

…At this time my business was more of a social services because my charges were very low so as to be help to my clients (who were almost all students), and also create a reputation for myself i.e. carve a niche for myself in the business, and I was enjoying it and seeing the bright future that can (and will) come out of it. I found that this business is cheap to run, but very profitable if well-managed.

I was about to invest more into the business and get it more established when our Call-up (NYSC) letter come in February ending. Within a week, we were to report at the orientation camp. My sweet (and getting sweeter) business had to be closed. I found myself in Cross River, right in the center of the Calabar and there I am till today making money while having my pleasures. You too can do the same, and will do the same, you will find your life very enjoyable.

This is My Story, this is my song.

Computer Skills Income: Learn More From My Story

I started learning how to hire/contract people when the work was too much for you to do. When I mean work was too much for you to do, do I mean the volume of the work? Well, yes and no, I mean the technique/skill of the work. This is what I mean; I was not very good on Excel, S.P.S.S. During the season or our research (i.e. project) many of our colleagues had numerical data to analyze, Excel is both a mathematical and statistical package, S.P.S.S. is a full statistical package. These were some of the jobs our colleagues needed help with. Like I said, I was not very good on Excel and S.P.S.S. then but I had a friend in Statistics Department who was very good on Excel and S.P.S.S., I told him ‘what if I raised jobs and you helped with them, and you get some percentage of the income, will that be okay?’
‘We can try it out’ he replied.

We tried it for the first and second jobs we got, it proved to be a good partnership where everyone gained. The partnership continued till we graduated. That is what I mean when I say the work is too much for you only to do. You have to learn how to use people who are more brilliant than you so that you can learn from them. When I say ‘use’, I don’t mean exploitation, because no one likes to be exploited and be sure I am not building a programme on exploiting or cheating other people, I mean you must know how to learn from them at the barest minimum cost possible. You get the logic?

…By working with my friend and paying him, I was learning from him. I bet you the knowledge I was gaining from him was far greater the money I was paying him. This knowledge was invaluable; I mean you can’t estimate its worth because it continues to pay me each day. Anyway I did not contract him to teach me, I contracted him to work for me. So you can understand what I am saying. You have heard the saying ‘knowledge is power’, this saying is absolutely true, you will agree with me. But I can tell you, it is more so in this information age, the digital age. From my manual, you will also learn not to joke with knowledge. Your knowledge, your skill is your greatest power (your asset, your foundation) in this field, and you must always increase and upgrade it to remain competitive, you will find out more about this in later sections of this manual. I found out once you were using the computer, you continue to learn, even when you don’t know you are, when you are not thinking about it, at your subconscious level, you are learning and all of that learning and knowledge gained will transform into wealth for you.

Computer Skills Income: Learn More From My Story

…May be by now some of you are thinking this must be some very brilliant and talented guy writing like this, or that this person must have been born into the computer, or is one computer genius, well, you may not be very correct. Why? You may ask, this is because my skills are very simple, and only recently acquired, and of course I’m still learning. I will tell you how I came to start learning to use the computer, it is very recent and I still remember most of the details….

…My first experience on the computer was in mid 2005. School was not in session, so instead of going home to be with my family, I chose to stay around. A friend of mine had a P.C. of her own, and with it she always received jobs to do for people for which she gets paid, thereby sustaining herself. Since school was not in session, she chose to go home. She left her system in care of another colleague who is also computer-literate. I walked up to her (the other colleague), can you teach me the computer? I asked. In return she asked “can you teach me music?” (That was because I was a singer and an instrumentalist).
“Well, that is a fair bargain” I said in reply.
‘When do we start’
‘We can start now’

So my computer-literacy lessons started, it proved to be very valuable to me as you will see though it only lasted for thereabout of one month. But I learnt the basics such as: booting a system, the desktop, launching a programme, the file menu, typing tutorship. It proved to be worth the time I decided to spend away from the comfort of my home and I acquired some basic useful skills.

However in September, I how enrolled into a computer school. It was not such a big or sophisticated institution. It was the type of business center/computer school. There I enrolled for their Certificate Word Processing Course where one learnt Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Typing tutorship. It was a two-month course and I got certificated by them in December 2005.

Meanwhile I had made plan to buy my own system that very month so as not to loose the skill I had acquired. I always enjoyed sitting on the system (just like some of you do). So I purchased my first system in December 2005 around the Christmas season. It was a Pentium II, 5MB Hard Drive, Windows 98 installed. I just loved it those days (it is even still with me today). I always browsed through it, just going into different areas of the Operating System (O.S.), even things I was never thought. I started browsing other software installed in it, just enjoying the fun of exploration. Unknown to me, I was learning even beyond my wildest dreams. I was exploring and experimenting, and learning too…

…Meanwhile in 2006, I was in my final year in college. I was already computer-literate. I had experimented and learnt other programmes in addition to the ones I learnt at the computer school. In addition I had learnt PowerPoint, Excel, was learning S.P.S.S., and was just increasing my knowledge on the computer.

These skills proved to be more than invaluable in my final year in college. You know I was not from a rich background, and my parents where only struggling to keep us in school (at least to acquire first degrees). You know the experiences of a final year student in the college. The term papers, assignments, research, etc. In all these, you have to use the computer i.e. go to business center to do those things. I could always do them on my computer. This proved to be very invaluable in many ways, for example:
§ It enforced my knowledge/skill already acquired
§ It saved me a lot of money, time and stress that would have been spent going to computer center to do them.
§ It started me into business because I had to work for some of my colleagues for which I was paid.

Computer Skills Wealth:: Have More Introduction

You only need yourself and this manual, you are bound to succeed, you are destined to succeed. In fact, you destined to be great! I will show you how to operate at the barest minimum cost, how to operate without contracting/hiring employees i.e. you will make your office business function in your absence even without hiring any employees. How is that possible? I know you are wondering by now, but it is possible, I mean absolutely possible, you will find this out in My Skills, My Success. You will get highly inspired, these secrets you will learn only from me and my programme!

…I already told you that you can start from zero level, I mean if you have nothing but yourself and your skill, you can and will get started. I mean even if you have no computer of your own, you can get started. I know this seems mind-blowing, incredible and strange or even impossible, that is what you are feeling, thinking or saying. Well, you may be correct but be sure that I am more correct that you can and will get started. These are the things I will show you, this is why my manual is unique and special, there is nothing like it in the market, in fact I have seen nothing like it. If I have, I will tell you, but the truth is I have seen nothing like it before hence the desire and determination to produce the first one for Nigeria and Africa. And so, the manual is right in front of you, in your very hands. The things you will see in this manual are secrets, you have never known. My story, My Skills, My Success will change you forever. You will be ready to grow rich, I mean really rich, even beyond your wildest imagination.

What if you don’t have the money to rent a shop or office? I will show you the way out of that too, and it is absolutely true. Everything you read in this manual is the product of my experience, I have practiced them, I’m still practicing them, they have worked and are still working. That is why my manual is unique.

What if you don’t have internet facility? I already told you that this is not an internet marketing programme. Well, you may use internet within my programme, but there is a very cheap way out of it. That you don’t have an internet facility of your own is not a barrier at all.

What if you have computer(s) of your own, you have the money to employ staff, and to get an office apartment, you will have to read attentively too to know what to do with your money so as not to incur avoidable costs which may reduce your profits. Your money may be more useful than incurring avoidable costs…

…As much as possible I don’t intend to make this manual technical or academic, I intend to make it short, sharp, simple and sweet, easy to read, easy to understand. You don’t need to be a graduate before you can use my programme, you don’t need a dictionary, before you can use my manual. If you can barely read, you are more that good enough to use my manual.

Now you may ask me, how do I find or get my first group of clients? Do you know it may be easier than you think?

Read My Story!

Welcome to the one programme that will make you rich!
Welcome to the one one programme that will give you pleasures while making you wealth!

Computer Skills Wealth: Have An Introduction

…You may now ask me what is this manual/business all about? Yes I will tell you what it is. But before that, I will tell you what it is not. It is not one of those internet marketing programmes, of course they (some of them) are good, even very good, but this is not one of them, you may add them to this later on, or even add this to them if you are already into them. My manual is also not a computer-literacy training programme, that is, it is not to teach you how to use the computer, for example, how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. (it assumes you have (or are going to have or learn) some level of proficiency in them, no matter how little). It is also not an MLM (multi-level marketing), most of them are slavery, you only end up making money for the designers, especially those of Nigerian origin (this is regrettably so). At least I have tried one of them, it was a woeful waste. I have seen others have the same experience with them too. Wherever you see them, please run away as fast as you can, not looking back!

…Now what is my manual all about? This manual assumes you are computer-literate or already acquiring computer-literacy skills i.e. it assumes you have some level of proficiency on the computer (no matter how low or high, there is always room for improvement) i.e. you are able to use common computer applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Corel Draw, Typing, Publisher, Pagemaker, Dreamweaver, etc. Now I hear some of you screaming, I see you getting scared, may be you can only use one or two, that is just great, that was where I started too, if so you are on a very sound footing, you will find that out.

Now do you know these skills you have are highly marketable? That they are enough to employ you gainfully? That they can make you an unending streams of income and wealth? That there are lots of persons, families, government offices, NGOs, churches/mosques, etc waiting to contract you once you make yourself (and your services) available?

Well, obviously, you did not do not know, that is why you have stayed unemployed, underemployed (that is not meant to be offensive). But these skills will make you an unending streams of income. This is what I realized before I got into the labour market, or even while I was in the college, this is why I have never looked for job, or run helter skelter to find “connections” for job purposes. This saved me lots of money, time and stress which I have so far concentrated on very gainful endeavours, hence the production of such a manual as this which is about to change your own life too. This is what many of our youths don’t know. But as you youth myself I can tell them the absolute truth from my own experience…

…Most of our graduates want to work in the Banks, Oil companies, Telecom operators, etc. Of course they are very good, I mean very good. But the fact is that only the very minute minority gets those jobs, the greater majority remain jobless and poor. This is not supposed to be so, especially for those of you who have computer skills. Computer skills are highly marketable in our society and economy, you do not know, but you will find it out how. I mean you will find lots of persons asking for those skills with heavy money in their pocket to pay. All you need is to succeed with your first group(s) of clients. You will see more and more coming without end. You will find it so, I mean absolutely so. Before you know it, you have created a fully functional corporation of your own. It will happen almost like a dream. I know because it has happened to me, I have a fully functional corporation of my own, the opportunities are just endless.

Computer Skills Wealth: Have Pleasure, Make Money

In this manual, you are not intended to be the end user of the manual; you are intended to be a user for other users, that is you will learn how to use this product (manual) to build your own product(s) which you will market endlessly. You are on to a pleasure ride to prosperity; you will never be the same again. You will find a world where you make money while having your pleasure…

…Think of those sportsmen, the footballers, most of them found the sport as their hubby from childhood, therefore they chose it as a livelihood, a profession, they are having their pleasure and get paid for it, that is they get fabulously paid for having their pleasure, carrying out their hubbies. There is nothing as sweet as being paid for carrying out your pleasure, it gets sweeter and sweeter, there is no end to the fun. That is the kind of world I’m going to take you into. I know most of you, like me have a talent for the computer, may be you even have more, you can even learn what you are not taught when and once you are sitting on the system, that is why it is a talent, a hubby, a pleasure. Now you have to transform that talent, hubby, skills and pleasure into heavy streams of income. This is what you will learn on my manual. It only gets sweeter and sweeter.

…This is not one of those programmes where somebody (the seller) steals another person’s write-ups, change few words and sentences (or even change nothing), and starts advertising and selling to non-suspecting public, only for the buyer to get disappointed after paying for the product without any way of getting his money back. This is because the seller is not practicing (and/or has never practiced) the things he offers in his materials. These are quacks, crooks, they are all about town, and of course they make a lot of money.

This is where I (and my programme) am different because I will show you what I do because I do what I show you. In other words, I do what I preach and preach what I do, you can never beat that. As you read my manual, think of me standing in front of you, you are not just reading, you are hearing my voice right from mouth speaking to you from the truth of my heart, and enthusiasm of my spirit. It is a as plain as that; you will find it so.

…At this time I do strongly suggest that you read this manual in the order in which it has come. It has been specifically designed as such so that you will feel and see my flow of thought, my steady transition and development and learn a great deal from it, that is, read ‘You Are Welcome’, ‘My Introduction’, ‘My Story’, ‘My Skills’, etc.

Simple Computer Skills Give Wealth:: I Welcome You To Money Making

First of all, I have to thank you for having faith in my person and programme, My Story and My Success. It is a big encouragement to me to have you reading this manual even without you seeing me (the seller) physically.

…In this manual, I will share with you my person, My Story, My Skills, My Success, and lots more. You will find a lot to learn. I will tell you how I started from zero level and tell you where I am today, and how it keeps getting better. Honestly, speaking, you will find a lot to learn. You may be more educated than I am, you may be older, physically stronger, you may even be brighter and more exposed, but one thing I know for sure is that you will learn a lot. You will find the easiest way out of unemployment, or underemployment, or even poverty.

…I will show you a lot of gains you have, and stand to have by being computer-literate, with or without the Internet. In Nigeria (nay Africa) today, your skills as a computer-literate are highly marketable, there is just no limit to the things you can do with your computer skills, you will find this out in My Story, My Skills, My Success. You will see that the possibilities just keep getting better.

One thing you may rather find strange is that running this business is very simple very cheap. Very simply and cheap that it is not considered by a majority of people. For example, what if I tell you that you don’t even need a computer of your own before you can start this business, that is even if you don’t have a computer of your own, you can start this business, I know right now you are wondering what I am talking about, that is why my manual is very special, so special it may be unbelievable. You just read on until you get into My Story, My Skills, My Success to see and Know what I am talking about. You may just find your easiest way to the top. I am telling you if you are computer-literate you have no reason to be poor, unemployed, or underemployed, I mean you have no reason, this is part of what you will learn in my manual…

…You will also see that my person and programme are honest and verifyable. In fact I will show you where I started and other information which you could verify if you want. This will show you my manual is very practicable. There is no limit to the kind of success you can have, your only limit is your own very self. Even the sky is not your limit.

In this information age, the digital, being computer-literate as you are, or are getting to be will prove to be your prosperity. Don’t sit down there whining and pinning away in pain and regret. You may be surprised if I told you only you have kept yourself unemployed or underemployed.

…There is a lot out there in society for you to do. You will find that there are persons, families, organizations, churches/mosques, NGOs, etc., waiting for you to show and market your skills, you will find that when you succeed with a single client, 10 others will follow, and on and on. You will find that success begets success, and more success, and more. This is the essence of my manual. Well, specifically this programme is targeted at youths—schoolleavers, undergraduates, unemployed graduates, Youth Corpers, the underemployed—it is also fully applicable to anyone whosoever who is computer-literate, be you a business owner, employee, jobless, retiree/pensioner, trader, etc. all you need is just being computer-literate. The skills offered in the manual are fully practicable and applicable.

Simple Computer Skills Will Give You Wealth: The Things My Blog Will Teach You

My Blog
Now, you may ask, what is my programme all about? It is a secret I will show you which you surely will be happier and better for. This is the eye opener you need, and that you have been waiting for. It is now right with you. First, I will tell you what my programme is not.

This is not a multi-level-marketing (MLM) programme. Most of them are slavery (to be fair enough), the enrollee becomes just a milk cow for those on the upper lines. They are almost useless, especially, I’m sorry to say, those ones of Nigerian origin. At least I can say that from experience. No sooner you joined some of them than they begin to change the rules only for their own gain, changing the goal post in the middle of the game, That is not a fair experience for you, in fact, it is better imagined that experienced. You only end up realizing that you have been duped. My programme has nothing to do with them…

…Well too, my manual is not even an internet marketing programme. Of course you may know there are many of them in town, and their marketers vigorously advertise them, be sure that they are not as easy as they are advertised to be. Well, you may make use of internet within my guides, but essentially, it is not an internet marketing programme. And you may not need to have an internet facility of your own to start with. But while you have started, before a long time, you will acquire one for yourself with the income you have been making to use in the business. So this is not an internet marketing programme.

In my manual, you will learn the endless possibilities of income and wealth available to the computer-literate no matter your literacy level. You will learn how to transform your computer skills to heavy streams of income; you will learn how to take those skills lying dormant in you to people and places that need them who will be begging you with money in hand to receive from them. Honestly, I have experimented it and it works…

…My manual is easy and inexpensive, you don’t need all the money in the bank to be able to start, you don’t need any loan, after all I started with no loan. I started just with myself and my skill, which is what I will show you how to do, and to do cheaply but very effectively. Before a long time, you will find your hands filled with very lucrative jobs, I mean highly paying jobs begging you to do them. I know this from experience!

This is a manual I am proud of, this is a manual I have used and I’m using up to this very day. This is a programme that is verifiable with me and from me. This is a manual I have built from my own very experience, everything about my manual is real, true, honest and verifiable.

These are some of the things you will learn from my manual:
§ How to get started from zero level
§ How to go from zero to zenith
§ How to get started even if you don’t have a computer of your own
§ How to increase your skills level from time to time
§ How to make your business function in your absence
§ How to multiply yourself thereby increasing your efficiency
§ How to make your clients your mouth piece to the world
§ How to go from success to success
§ Why you can not fail if you use my manual
§ How much better your life will be and how much more you will enjoy your life and family when you stop worrying about money
§ How much better will you be when your hobbies which you enjoy doing brings you untold sources of income wealth…

…You are reading the story of a fresh Nigerian graduate who chose not to go around and about submitting job applications, looking for jobs which have at least 1000 other persons looking for each of them. And I appreciate that choice because today I am better for it. These are the things you will freely learn from me in my manual. Sure it feels good to have a strong wealth-building job that is inexpensive to start, a simple use of your talents, inexpensive to operate, and yet bringing good income that you are proud of. These are the things I’m inviting you to, and to take advantage of in my manual. You will enjoy it, and you will surely grow rich. You will find a world where you make your money while having your pleasures, while doing your hobbies…

…My manual is applicable and useable by anyone, no matter your educational status, religion, age, training, profession, etc., anyone and everyone can use it.
Whether you are a student, schoolleaver, undergraduate, graduate, salary earner, pensioner, or you are even jobless presently, you can use it and use it well, and succeed, and build wealth with it. That is what I am doing now, which you can do too, or even do better.

But more specifically, my passion goes to the youths (graduates and non-graduates), the unemployed, the underemployed, and anyone who wants to build a strong but easy wealth machine. Use my manual, it is all you have been waiting for. All you need is yourself, I mean yourself (and of course my manual), you are on a sure route to wealth…

Simple Computer Skills Will Give You Wealth: I Welcome You

My Dear Reader
On this Blog, I will make you read excerpts of my Wealth-building programme: How To Transform Your Computer Skills Into Wealth, No Internet Marketing. I will make you read excerpts of the programme for FREE, so you get started into making money and building wealth with the simple computer skills that you have. While reading you may like to buy the whole version of the manual, even if you don’t buy anything, honestly you will find very rich content here on the blog that will start you into money making with your computer skills. The blog is regularly updated to keep it fresh and inspiring to all readers/members. I do encourage you to join the membership of the blog, as that would help you enjoy even more FREE, cool, life-improving stuff that I’ll be bringing you in the near future. This blog is intended to be a highly inspiring information portal for all its loyal readers/members which I enjoin you to be, you will find it so. In fact, tell your friends, family, etc about it, they too will gain a lot along with you.

…I am very happy to have this privilege to speak with you, and I am happier to show you that your way to success, prosperity and fulfillment is nearer to you than you thought, and even easier than you imagined. We are in a world where you can make the world and fortune of your dream if you are willing to give it a go, if you are willing and ready to take responsibility for your present and future, if you are not going to wait for the government, your family or whoever to help, if you are ready to help yourself, and take your destiny in your own hands. Do you know the fulfillment of your dream and destiny may be a lot easier than you thought? Only that you have not given it a thought or consideration before, but it is something that is very much within your capacity. Well, that is why I am here, and speaking with you right now. I am ready to show you the ways and systems I have used to assure a safe future for myself, and how I live my life in peace and prosperity.

I will show you exactly how to do what I have done and make just as much, even more, you don’t have to do anything special, just follow the guides. In my manual, there are guides and not rules. I say there are guides and not rules because you will learn from my experience (in its full originality, and you know of course that experience is the best teacher), and build your practice around it, while reading my manual, you could follow my guide (i.e. my experience) to the letter if you want, you will be successful, or you could receive your own intuitive insights into areas or things I might not even have penned down in the manual, but the fact is that you will be richly successful. That is what I mean when I say, in my manual, there are guides and not rules, your success is my interest, and I am ready to make and help you achieve it. In fact, I am ready and willing to teach you every thing I know without holding back nothing, this is because the more I give you in teaching and mentorship, the more I know too because I am forced to learn more, to add new value to myself.

…Many do not know or just ignore the possibilities of income available to the computer-literate. Anyone who is computer-literate or acquiring computer-literacy any time from now must acquire my programme. I say this, if you are computer-literate at all (whatever your literacy level), you are just one step away from wealth. That one step is what my programme will show you.

RIGHT NOW! Just go over to the foot of this page and join the membership of this blog, that is your key to a more intimate relationship with me which will serve you with a lot of FREE, cool, life-improving stuff that I’ll be bringing you in the near future. DO THAT NOW!