Computer SKills Gurus Are Made Everyday In Nigeria By Jed Adeyemi

Monday, June 29, 2009

Computer Skills Wealth: Have Pleasure, Make Money

In this manual, you are not intended to be the end user of the manual; you are intended to be a user for other users, that is you will learn how to use this product (manual) to build your own product(s) which you will market endlessly. You are on to a pleasure ride to prosperity; you will never be the same again. You will find a world where you make money while having your pleasure…

…Think of those sportsmen, the footballers, most of them found the sport as their hubby from childhood, therefore they chose it as a livelihood, a profession, they are having their pleasure and get paid for it, that is they get fabulously paid for having their pleasure, carrying out their hubbies. There is nothing as sweet as being paid for carrying out your pleasure, it gets sweeter and sweeter, there is no end to the fun. That is the kind of world I’m going to take you into. I know most of you, like me have a talent for the computer, may be you even have more, you can even learn what you are not taught when and once you are sitting on the system, that is why it is a talent, a hubby, a pleasure. Now you have to transform that talent, hubby, skills and pleasure into heavy streams of income. This is what you will learn on my manual. It only gets sweeter and sweeter.

…This is not one of those programmes where somebody (the seller) steals another person’s write-ups, change few words and sentences (or even change nothing), and starts advertising and selling to non-suspecting public, only for the buyer to get disappointed after paying for the product without any way of getting his money back. This is because the seller is not practicing (and/or has never practiced) the things he offers in his materials. These are quacks, crooks, they are all about town, and of course they make a lot of money.

This is where I (and my programme) am different because I will show you what I do because I do what I show you. In other words, I do what I preach and preach what I do, you can never beat that. As you read my manual, think of me standing in front of you, you are not just reading, you are hearing my voice right from mouth speaking to you from the truth of my heart, and enthusiasm of my spirit. It is a as plain as that; you will find it so.

…At this time I do strongly suggest that you read this manual in the order in which it has come. It has been specifically designed as such so that you will feel and see my flow of thought, my steady transition and development and learn a great deal from it, that is, read ‘You Are Welcome’, ‘My Introduction’, ‘My Story’, ‘My Skills’, etc.

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