Computer SKills Gurus Are Made Everyday In Nigeria By Jed Adeyemi

Monday, June 29, 2009

Computer Skills Income: Learn More From My Story

I started learning how to hire/contract people when the work was too much for you to do. When I mean work was too much for you to do, do I mean the volume of the work? Well, yes and no, I mean the technique/skill of the work. This is what I mean; I was not very good on Excel, S.P.S.S. During the season or our research (i.e. project) many of our colleagues had numerical data to analyze, Excel is both a mathematical and statistical package, S.P.S.S. is a full statistical package. These were some of the jobs our colleagues needed help with. Like I said, I was not very good on Excel and S.P.S.S. then but I had a friend in Statistics Department who was very good on Excel and S.P.S.S., I told him ‘what if I raised jobs and you helped with them, and you get some percentage of the income, will that be okay?’
‘We can try it out’ he replied.

We tried it for the first and second jobs we got, it proved to be a good partnership where everyone gained. The partnership continued till we graduated. That is what I mean when I say the work is too much for you only to do. You have to learn how to use people who are more brilliant than you so that you can learn from them. When I say ‘use’, I don’t mean exploitation, because no one likes to be exploited and be sure I am not building a programme on exploiting or cheating other people, I mean you must know how to learn from them at the barest minimum cost possible. You get the logic?

…By working with my friend and paying him, I was learning from him. I bet you the knowledge I was gaining from him was far greater the money I was paying him. This knowledge was invaluable; I mean you can’t estimate its worth because it continues to pay me each day. Anyway I did not contract him to teach me, I contracted him to work for me. So you can understand what I am saying. You have heard the saying ‘knowledge is power’, this saying is absolutely true, you will agree with me. But I can tell you, it is more so in this information age, the digital age. From my manual, you will also learn not to joke with knowledge. Your knowledge, your skill is your greatest power (your asset, your foundation) in this field, and you must always increase and upgrade it to remain competitive, you will find out more about this in later sections of this manual. I found out once you were using the computer, you continue to learn, even when you don’t know you are, when you are not thinking about it, at your subconscious level, you are learning and all of that learning and knowledge gained will transform into wealth for you.

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